7900 W Jefferson Blvd
Suite 308
Fort Wayne, IN 46804
A non-residential rehabilitation program
Living Free Recovery is a non-residential rehabilitation program for Substance Abusers, Addicts, and other people with life controlling issues and problems.
Individual Sessions and Community Connection groups meet throughout the week providing help for those who are hurting and pastoral counsel for their loved ones.
Fort Wayne
The following Individual Sessions and groups meet at the Fort Wayne, Indiana Office: 2112 Inwood Dr., Fort Wayne Indiana 46815.
If you are unable to register online, please contact our office at: 260.218.8299
Once you have submitted your registration, you will be placed on the group roster that you requested. At the first group you will be asked for the registration fee, receive a Workbook, and be oriented into the group.
by appointment at
2112 Inwood Dr., Fort Wayne, Indiana
People in need or who are seeking counsel begin by setting up an Orientation/Intake session. This is a "get acquainted" meeting where things can be discussed and assignment of Assessments are made. Then individual sessions are set up to assist in working through any life controlling problem. Counseling is by Appointment, through a clinician.
Who should attend:
People that need and seek more structure in their lives and who want to obtain freedom from their "life controlling problem."
Facing Fear Finding Faith
Facing Fear, Finding Faith includes guidance in the use of Scripture to build faith, biblical coping methods for facing fear, comfort to those facing fear and help for anyone ministering to those who are being controlled or held back by anxiety, fear and worry.
Who should attend: People that are facing fear and trying to overcome it, people who have completed INSIGHT and other Living Free Recovery groups."IDENTITY"
Seeing Yourself In God's Image
Written by a counselor with experience helping those with eating disorders, this study is born from her own struggles in adolescence. The group challenges members to find their identity in Christ as they overcome this difficult struggle. This guide offers understanding of distorted body image, denial, and the family systems influence. It also explains how to break free of social pressures and how to restore the temple and tie the recovery process together.
A companion booklet Seeing Your Loved One in God's Image, can be used as a quick reference guide dealing with issues associated with eating disorder.
Who should attend: People that struggle with "who they are in Christ." People that need to break free of social pressures, and people that want to learn how the recovery process ties in with who people are in Christ."ANGER"
Anger: Our Master or Our Servant
Few of us have been taught to live with our feelings. We have been taught to think, but feelings often overwhelm and master the Christian.
This study offers a clear explanation of anger, what causes it, and how to recognize when you are sinning with anger. This not only ministers to church members but serves as a powerful evangelistic tool. Some of the content covered includes:
- Beginning steps in managing anger.
- Methods to help you control anger in your relationships.
- Ten steps for preventing anger's control in your life.
Who should attend: People that are angry and want to understand how to properly handle this emotion. People that are court ordered to anger management. People that need support and grief recovery groups, substance abuse groups, help with their marriage, men, adolescents and prison study groups."PLUGGED IN"
The purpose of this "Plugged In" group is to provide a group for those who need to get "plugged in" to a group prior to new groups forming. It is a group for those who are in between group semesters.
Who should attend: People that need to attend a group but cannot start in a group that has been meeting. People that need to get connected prior to starting a regular group.WEDNESDAY NIGHT GROUPS
The following groups are planned to begin in January 2021"INSIGHT"
6:00pm - 7:30pm
This group is the Core group and required in order to graduate from the Intensive Recovery Program. It is often the first in a series that people attend. The group studies "character" issues, how to develop character, and helps participants understand how character or lack of it impacts their lives.
Who should attend: Anyone with "life controlling problems to gain insight from their past and assist them in character development, self awareness, and spiritual awareness in order to make better decisions.
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Moral Reconation Therapy
Moral Reconation Therapy assist people in integrating their belief system with their values in order for them to make better decisions. "How To Escape Your Prison" is the MRT Workbook that is utilized. All MRT classes are facilitated by Certified Clinicians.
Who should attend: People that need and seek more structure in their lives and who desire to make effective decisions while obtaining freedom from their "life controlling problem."
Substance Abuse/Chemical Abuse class
Wednesdays TBA
Recovery Through Respect addresses issues of addiction and substance abuse while developing a recovery program that impacts the whole person-body, mind, and spirit. Recovery Through Respect is intended for people and groups of people that deal with addiction, but can also benefit those with personality and behavioral disorders. This program is intended to be at least 16 weeks in length but can be utilized for as much as up to one (1) year. It is also advisable to have a family member or a person from the client’s network present at one or two of these meetings throughout the year. Family members may want to attend our "Concerned Persons" group to learn how to assist their loved one in overcoming their "life controlling" problem
Who should attend:
Who should attend: People that have been court ordered for Substance Abuse/Addiction education/counseling, those who are desiring to make better choices in life, and people that have any type of addiction or drug abuse problem.
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Who should attend:
"Theft Intervention Seminar"
One Day class
Time: TBD
There are 6 exercises completed in 8 group hours. The participants complete written material and share their responses with the group. The group is closed. Participants read each exercise and complete the written material before group and then present their work to the group. This program directly confronts and exposes the thinking and behaviors underlying shoplifting and is directly targeted to shoplifters who are placed on probation, diversion programs, or ordered to undergo a shoplifting treatment program.The group is lead by MRT Certified Clinicians.
Who should attend:
Who should attend: People that have been assigned by the court or who will be court ordered to attend a Theft Intervention program. People that shoplift/or have been charged with Theft.
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Facilitators are needed
Counseling Sessions
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Copyright 2023@ Living Free Recovery is a Ministry of Connection Points Inc. a 501 (c) 3 non profit organization,
supported by public and private donations